Our History


CIRDA is a Christian organization founded by Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot in 2018. CIRDA is a Non-governmental and Nonprofit National Organization with its head Quarters in Wanyjok, Aweil East County in Northern Bahr El Ghazal (NBeG) State and Liaison office in Juba South Sudan Capital. CIRDA is registered with the Government of South Sudan under Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) under the registration number: 3008.

CIRDA’s Mission

To contribute to helping people living in extreme poverty and other social injustices achieve all-inclusive and sustainable transformation in their lives and restore their fullest in lives.

“(1 “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself retore, confirm and, strengthen and establish you” (Peter 5:10 )  “ The thief comes only to steal and kill  and destroy. I came that they may have life and have int abundantly” (John 10:10).  CIRDA believes the former is possible through ensuring effective strategic partnerships and community participation in terms of problem identification, planning and execution in a quest to finding durable solutions.

To achieve this mission, we engage in long term development work, build resilience, respond to emergency situations, and seek to address the root causes of poverty and other forms of social ills through our integrated development education, advocacy and community interventions.

CIRDA is an indigenous national Christian founded non-governmental humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty and other forms of injustices in South Sudan and beyond.


A society free of poverty and other injustices; where all have access to a decent standard of living; with dignity and respect for humanity.

The objective of CIRDA is to catalyze communities to recognize their role and participation in own social, economic and personal development choices.

Our Core Values

As a people of God, we embody forgiveness in speech, actions, relationships and reconciliation is foundational in the ministry.

We focus & appreciate equal participation and thus, give assistance in proportion to need and without discrimination.

Listening and partnership are key to empowering the poorest and most vulnerable to transform their own lives.

People are equal in rights and must be treated with respect and dignity.

Finding effective solutions requires innovative thinking combined with a professional approach.

Accountability and transparency are central to all of our actions and use of resources.

Accountability and transparency are central to all of our actions and use of resources.

Good Steward of God’s creation is very key, according to Genesis, human being is given responsibility to be good steward of God’s creation and be faithful and good steward.

In our work we should Christ’s love through caring, compassion and responsiveness

Key Organisational Policies and Procedures

  • Human Resource Policy,
  • Employee Code of Conduct,
  • Finance Policy,
  • Procurement & assets disposal Policy,
  • Anti-fraud Policy,
  • Child Protection and safeguarding policies
  • PSEAS Policy
  • Communication Policy
  • M & E policy
  • Programme management policy
  • Cost Allocation Policy
  • Accountability to Affected population (AAP
  • Whistleblowing policy
  • Consent form policy
  • Complaints policy
  • Conflict of interest

We travel with the community to restore the
broken values